Further Reading

The Jerome County Historical Society Museum, located at 212 East First Street, Jerome, Idaho, has a complete set of the "Minidoka Irrigator," the  camp newspaper written by incarcerees. 
The Twin Falls Public Library has a partial set of the "Minidoka Irrigator" on microfilm. 
Idaho Yesterdays, a quarterly journal published by the Idaho State Historical Society, has featured the following articles about Japanese immigration and the WWII Japanese American Incarceration: 

"The Japanese American Experience in Idaho" by Robert C. Sims, Spring 1978. 
"Idaho Farmer, Japanese Diarist-Cultural Crossings in the Intermountain West" by Eric Walz, Fall 1995. 
"My Dear Bishop: A Report From Minidoka" by Jane Chase, Summer 2000. 
Idaho Magazine featured an article entitled "Internment" on the Minidoka Relocation Center in its January 2002 issue. 
Confinement and Ethnicity: An Overview of WWII Japanese American Relocation Sites published by the United States Department of the Interior is currently an online book

Twin Falls Public Library Books About Minidoka Relocation Center

American Diary: an Exhibition of Paintings by Roger Shimomura
940.5472S (also IR)
'Evacuation Diary' Tells of Relocation, by Yoichi Matsuda
940.5472M (also IR)
The Fence at Minidoka, producer and writer, Barbara Tanabe
VCR T-32 (video)
History of the Japanese-American Relocation Center at Hunt, Minidoka County, Idaho, by Donald E. Hausler (unpublished Master's thesis)
940.5472H (also IR)
Hunt for Idaho: Evacuees 1942-1945 and homesteaders 1947-1949 T.P. Minidoka Prisoner of War Camp 1942-1945, by Bessie M. Shrontz Roberts-Wright
IR 940.5472R
Japanese Relocation Center Remembered in Film, by Dixie Dixon
IR 940.5472D
Journey to Minidoka: the Paintings of Roger Shimomura
IR 940.5472S
Minidoka Interlude, Minidoka Relocation Center (Idaho)
940.5472M (also IR)
Minidoka Internment National Monument, Idaho
940.5472M (also IR)
POW Articles (Various Newspapers, South Idaho Press, Various Dates)
IR 940.547P
Relocation Center Diary, by Arthur Meredith Kleinkopf
940.547K (also IR)
The Salvage: Japanese American Evacuation Resettlement
IR 940.5472T


Books about WWII Japanese American Confinement

American and Japanese Relocation in World War II: Fact, Fiction & Fallacy, by Lillian Baker. Revisionist history at its worst.
940.53B (also IR)
Behind Barbed Wire: the Imprisonment ofJapanese Americans During World War II, by Daviel S. Davis
Beyond Words: Images from America's Concentration Camps, by Deborah Gesensway
Born in Seattle: the Campaign for Japanese American Redress, by Robert Sadamu Shimabukuro
By Order of the President: FDR and the Internment of Japanese Americans, by Greg Robinson
Farewell to Manzanar by Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston

Children of the Relocation Camps, by Catherine A. Welch
The Children of Topaz: the Story of a Japanese American Internment Camp, by Michael O. Tunnell
Democracy on Trial: the Japanese-American Evacuation and Relocation in World War II, by Page Smith
Desert Exile: the Uprooting of a Japanese American Family, by Yoshiko Uchida
921Uchida (also IR)
Executive Order 9066: the Internment of 110,000 Japanese Americans
A Fence Away from Freedom: Japanese Americans and World War II, by Ellen Levine
Fighting for Honor: Japanese American and World War II, by Michael L. Cooper
Free to Die for their Country: the Story of the Japanese American Draft Resisters in World War II, by Eric L. Muller
I am an American: a True Story of Japanese Internment, by Jerry Stanley
Imprisoned Apart: the World War II Correspondence of an Issei Couple, by Louis Fiset
940.5308F (also IR)
The Invisible Thread, by Yoshiko Uchida
921 Uchida
Japanese Americans, From Relocation to Redress, Edited by Roger Daniels, Sandra C. Taylor, and Harry H. L. Kitano

Justice at War, by Peter H. Irons
Life in a Japanese American Internment Camp, by Diane Yancey
Magic: the Untold Story of U.S. Intelligence and the Evacuation of Japanese Residents from the West Coast During WWII, by David Lowman
Manzanar = [Ringoen], by John Armor

Nisei Daughter, by Monica Itoi Sone
921 Sone (also IR)
Stubborn Twig: Three Generations in the Life of a Japanese American Family, by Lauren Kessler
920 Kessler
Topaz Moon: Chiura Obata's Art of the Internment, by Chiura Obata
921 Obata
Whispered Silences: Japanese Americans and World War II, by Gary Y. Okihiro
IR 940.530

Fiction Books about WWII Japanese American Confinement

Baseball Saved Us, by Ken Mochizuki
E Mochizuki (also IR)
The Journal of Ben Uchida, Citizen 13559: Mirror Lake Internment Camp, by Barry Denenberg
J Denenberg
The Magic of Ordinary Days, by Ann Howard Creel
LP Creel
Silent Honor, by Danielle Steel
Why She Left Us: a Novel, by Rahna R. Rizzuto